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  • González-Sastre F. Jordi Folch i Pi, L'home i la obra (1911 -1979). A Record de Josep Puche i Álvarez, Conrad Xalabarder i Puig, Antoni Esteve i Subirana, Pere Domingo i Sanjuán, Jordi Folch i Pi. Barcelona: IES, 1980.
  • Pope A, Lees MB i Hauser G. Jordi Folch-Pi. Neurochem Res, 1981;6(10):1039-41.
  • Less MB i Pope A. Jordi Folch-Pi. Biographical Memoirs Vol. 79. Washington DC: The national Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2001.
  • Magoun HW i Marshall L. American Neuroscience in the Twentieth Century. Lisse (Netherlands): Swets & Zeitlinger BV, 2003.
  • Lees MB. An anecdotal historic look at ASN founder Jordi Folch Pi and the award bearing his name . ASN. [Web, darrer accés 12/06/2019]